Donate to support Jabalbina Rangers FNQ Flood Appeal and Disaster Recovery. Donate Now

Yalanjiwarra muruku junkurrjimaka bamangka bubuku

Yalanji people stand strong together for our people and our land

Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation is the Registered Native Title Body Holder (RNTBC), Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC), Land Trust and Cultural Heritage Body for the Eastern Kuku Yalanji People.

About Jabalbina
Find out more about our Organisation by clicking below.
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Our Yalanji Rangers
Read about our Yalanji Rangers that Care for Bubu, Jalun and Bana.
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Help us raise $100,000.00 to support on the ground response activities!

Pictures taken by community members in Wujal during flooding.

Port Douglas to Mungumby, have experienced the worst floods in a century, brought on by ex-tropical Cyclone Jasper. Record-breaking flooding in the Daintree has created an ongoing emergency in Wujal Wujal, Ayton, Shipton’s Flat and Rossville. Our community of Wujal Wujal where approximately 250 people reside at, was significantly impacted by flooding and people have been evacuated from the community via helicopters to Cooktown where they will reside at in the meantime.
There are ten casual Jabalbina Rangers who can be employed to help with the clean up. They need to be transported to Wujal Wujal, and as required to Ayton, Shipton’s Flat and Rossville, and to have resources, chainsaws to remove fallen trees, and high-pressure cleaners and other tools to remove the mud from community buildings and houses. 
We kindly request the support of our partners and friends to help our People and Communities with the clean up and restoration.
Your support will be go a long way in bringing our Yalanji People back home to their beloved home of Wujal Wujal.

Read our Annual Report 2022-2023

We are proud to share with our valued members and stakeholders, our very first Annual Report for 2022-2023! Read about Jabalbina’s journey, strategic direction and the comprehensive programs that we deliver for Eastern Kuku Yalanji Country, Culture and Community.

Interact with us!

We are proud to announce the launch of our interactive Jabalbina Operations Dashboard! This dashboard is a live feature that provides Traditional Owners and stakeholders the opportunity to not just interact with the Yalanji Rangers, but with all projects and programs within Jabalbina’s organization. Read about the incredible work our staff are completing on a daily basis, that contributes to the protection and management of Eastern Kuku Yalanji bubu (country), culture and community! 

To access our dashboard, click on the button below.

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Hey all! Do you need your bubs birth certificate sorted?

If so, the Department will be in town on the 12th of February from 9am to 3pm at our main Jabalbina office on Sawmill Road, Mossman. Please come and see the deadly team.

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Hey all! Do you need your bubs birth certificate sorted? 

If so, the Department will be in town on the 12th of February from 9am to 3pm at our main Jabalbina office on Sawmill Road, Mossman. Please come and see the deadly team. 

Yalada!🌟Image attachment


What a way to start the year! Jabalbina hosted a colour fun run in Wujal Wujal for all youth as part of the Wujal Wujal youth recovery program. Funded by DATSIP Disaster Recovery Funding Australia.

We would like to give a big thanks to Apunipima, Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council, PCYC, Wujal Wujal Justice group, Wujal Wujal QPS, Bloomfield River State School and Parents for all your assistance on the day.

It was a great way to end the school holidays. 🌞
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What a way to start the year! Jabalbina hosted a colour fun run in Wujal Wujal for all youth as part of the Wujal Wujal youth recovery program. Funded by DATSIP Disaster Recovery Funding Australia. 

We would like to give a big thanks to Apunipima, Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council, PCYC, Wujal Wujal Justice group, Wujal Wujal QPS, Bloomfield River State School and Parents for all your assistance on the day. 

It was a great way to end the school holidays. 🌞Image attachmentImage attachment+Image attachment

Due to severe weather in FNQ over the coming week or so, Ergon Energy Network have decided to POSTPONE this event. ... See MoreSee Less

Due to severe weather in FNQ over the coming week or so, Ergon Energy Network have decided to POSTPONE this event.

With consent and respect on behalf of our colleague, brother, uncle and grandad Vincent Tayley and his immediate family.

We are putting out a request for any images that family and friends of his may have that they can send through, they will be shared at his farewell on Saturday.

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2 CommentComment on Facebook

Are u putting on a bus to help family get to Wujal from Cairns ?

Job Opportunity✨

Are you passionate about working on country as a ranger?

QPWS&P are seeking to recruit a person who has enthusiasm for environmental conservation and a love for the outdoors.

If you think this job would suit you or if you have any questions, please email with your name and contact details.

Click the link below to access the application directly
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Job Opportunity✨

Are you passionate about working on country as a ranger?
QPWS&P are seeking to recruit a person who has enthusiasm for environmental conservation and a love for the outdoors. 

If you think this job would suit you or if you have any questions, please email with your name and contact details. 

Click the link below to access the application directly

Mossman Gorge Microgrid Project

Ergon Energy Network is taking an approach to improving the reliability of the electricity supply in some of our First Nations communities including our Kuku Yalanji Country at Mossman Gorge.
Ergon Energy Network is holding an event for the community to celebrate the building of the microgrid.

When: Wednesday 5th of February 2025
Where: Community Football Field, Mossman Gorge
Time: 9:30am – 12:00pm
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Mossman Gorge Microgrid Project

Ergon Energy Network is taking an approach to improving the reliability of the electricity supply in some of our First Nations communities including our Kuku Yalanji Country at Mossman Gorge. 
Ergon Energy Network is holding an event for the community to celebrate the building of the microgrid. 

When: Wednesday 5th of February 2025
Where: Community Football Field, Mossman Gorge
Time: 9:30am – 12:00pm

1 CommentComment on Facebook

We can't wait for the Big Microgrid Yarn up at the Mossman Gorge community! Karina Hocke BamangaBubu Ngadimunku

Hey all! Do you need your bubs birth certificate sorted?

If so, the Department will be in town on the 22nd of January at the new Jabalbina office on Johnston Road, Mossman. Please come and see the deadly team.

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Hey all! Do you need your bubs birth certificate sorted? 

If so, the Department will be in town on the 22nd of January at the new Jabalbina office on Johnston Road, Mossman. Please come and see the deadly team. 

Yalada!🌟Image attachment

Join Our Team! 😀

Are you passionate to work in the On-Country team helping out and working with our youth.
We are excited to announce that we are recruiting a Youth Mentor.

If you're ready to make a real impact, we'd love to hear from you!
**Apply now** and make a difference! ⭐️
#jabalbina #easternkukuyalanji #kukuyalanji
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Join Our Team! 😀

Are you passionate to work in the On-Country team helping out and working with our youth.  
We are excited to announce that we are recruiting a Youth Mentor.
If youre ready to make a real impact, wed love to hear from you!
**Apply now** and make a difference! ⭐️
#jabalbina #easternkukuyalanji #kukuyalanjiImage attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Donna Willis

Join Our Team! 😃

Are you passionate to work in the On-Country team helping out and working with our youth.
We are excited to announce that we are recruiting a Youth Mentor.

If you're ready to make a real impact, we'd love to hear from you!
**Apply now** and make a difference! ⭐️
#jabalbina #easternkukuyalanji #kukuyalanji
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Join Our Team! 😃

Are you passionate to work in the On-Country team helping out and working with our youth.  
We are excited to announce that we are recruiting a Youth Mentor.

If youre ready to make a real impact, wed love to hear from you!
**Apply now** and make a difference! ⭐️
#jabalbina #easternkukuyalanji #kukuyalanjiImage attachment
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Jabalbina acknowledges and pays respect to our Eastern Kuku Yalanji Elders past, present and emerging.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People are advised this website may contain images, video, voices, and names of people that have passed.